Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Is it easy to breed red wag platies in an 8 gallon?

Is it easy to breed red wag platies in an 8 gallon?

23 11:07:53

QUESTION: Is it easy to breed red wags in an 8 gallon? Or hard?

ANSWER: It is. They are a lot like mollies. It's hard if you are a beginner.  You are learning at a normal pace.  You will learn, as you grow up, that everything in this world takes time.  It's so hard to be patient.  We work ourselves up to worrying over things while we wait, but as we grow, we realize you can't really change the course of events and worrying doesn't help.  Give it time.  Be patient.  :)

Happy fish-keeping.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I didn't really have an easy time with the Mollies either. I know I have to be patient. My mom tells me that all the time. I am really interested in this fish thing but my fish aren't cooperating. They look beautiful nut normal. I've tried everything. New food, new temp, new decorations, new community fish... My friend has lots of platies and she said at first she got 2. Waited a month and get 2 more. In a few months she had babies. Her 80 gallon is a lot bigger then my 8. She says it is easy to care for them too. But I found out that is 'cause her mom does the cleaning. She feeds and watched. She said the eggs get eaten but if they hatch and grow a bit then they are safe. She also says that Corys live for a long time. She said her cory lived for 3 years. I really love my fish and i make sure I feed them everyday.
How long to red wags live for?
Do fish live longer in bigger tanks?

ANSWER: Hello Manahil,

Platys don't have eggs.  They have babies inside their wombs like cats and dogs.

Corys have eggs.

Platys may live up to 10 years. It's not the usual, though.  Usually around 5 years.

Fish live much, much longer in bigger tanks, when there is ample aeration and filtration.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is ample aeration?

Ample means - "enough".

Aeration means - "bubbles in the water".

Sorry, I forget I speak adult sometimes! :)  I forget the youngsters who write in have a hard time with my big words and I apologize for that, Manny.

Happy fish-keeping, and have a wonderful day.  I hope it's sunny where you are.  Nearly 100 here.  (Gag).