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Swim Bladder Disorder possibility?

23 11:31:21

Hi Ron, I think my betta fish has swim bladder disease caused by constipation. He has all the symptoms. He started off as bloated, but still actively swimming. (over a week ago) It went downhill from there however. As soon as I noticed the bloating, I did my research and ceased feeding him for a while.  Later, I tried the pea trick and epsom salt baths. He ate the peas eagerly. The bloating has gone down, it's not very noticeable anymore, but still there. He doesn't eat peas as eagerly anymore. Also the swim bladder disorder now seems to be effecting him.  He barely, barely moves, lies slightly on his side when he's at the bottom of the tank, looks like he has to put lots of effort in swimming. His right fin also seems a little damaged or weaker. He doesn't float at the top which ive read is normal. He's either at the bottom laying sideways or using the plants to stay near the top.  I've also lowered the water level so he can reach the top easier.  I am considering trying the antibiotics maracyn? Could I have your opinion and info on that, if i should try it, and where i can get it? Is there anything else that i can help him out with and cheer him up?  As well has he is in a 5 gallon tank that is half filled, would it be easier for him to put him somewhere smaller or no? Any other tips or do's or dont's will be greatly appreciated. Should i hold off the antibiotics and wait some more? Is it possible that he would be lying at the bottom and too tired to get air? I'm afraid that would be a problem! Do these symptoms seem too far gone for help :( ? And this could just be me or because he's less active, but he seems smaller. I hope you can help! he looks so helpless!
Thanks for your time!

Hi Marie,
  That's a tough one.  It doesn't sound good but at this point you might as well try the Maracyn. Sadly once a fish stops being able to orient itself, the odds of it recovering are small. Sorry.

-- Ron
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