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Blood Parrot Cichlid Got Beat Up!

23 11:32:43

I have a Blood Parrot cichlid and a Jack Dempsey cichlid in the same tank.  They apparently got into a fight and now the Blood Parrot has a ripped bottom lip! The Jack Dempsey looks fine.  Tomorrow the Jack Dempsey is being adopted (I rescued them a week ago together from a guy who had them both in a 20 gal tank for a year.  They both are a good 5-6 inches, and the blood parrot has been the aggressor of the two from what I have witnessed this past week.)

Their water/tank was horribly dirty when I got them, and the blood parrot has fin rot, so I have been treating them for that.  Today its lip is ripped and part is hanging off.  It also has what looks like a black spot on its upper lip.  I know they get a disease called black spot, and am concerned that maybe this is what it is getting.

I have been treating with Maracyn 2 for 5 days, and the fin rot seems to be healing fine.  I have antibiotics, should I start giving this to the blood parrot after I remove the Jack Dempsey tomorrow?

and what should I do for possible black spot? How do I know if this is indeed black spot?  I'm moving the blood parrot to a large tank after it cycles, but want to be sure that it isn't still sick before I move it.  

Hi Marcie,
  The fish does not have black spot, nor does it have fin rot.  The problem is that the Jack Dempsey tore it apart.  You need to separate them immediately or the blood parrot will be killed.  The tattered fins and the black spot are all the signs of being attacked, not disease.  You do not need to give the fish antibiotics.  

-- Ron C.
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