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Strange Betta Markings

23 11:42:27

My Betta seems to have a normal size head,but,his body is very thin and narrow for it, he doesn't look normal!. He eats well, and is spunky. I feed him 3-4 pellets in the morning and sometimes 1 or 2 a night. Now,he developed  silverish(discolored)large round area's all over his body,I notice this when the light hits him just right. I am worried about his body frame and those sliverish area's. I have him on Stress coat and Bettafix. It was suggested to use some salt in his 1/2 gal. bowl.Can you help I have asked this question previously,but, was unable to locate the posted answer!

Hi Linda,
This is probably the answer you were looking for...

Hi Lea,
First I would like to tell you that bettas should not be kept in 1/2 gallon tanks.  They should be kept in a 5 gallon tank with weekly water changes.  Many people know little about the betta, and vendors take advantage of this to sell small tanks, knowing full well that the betta will not survive very long in such a small space.  This is not your fault, but the fault of the vendor who says, that bettas can live in small spaces.  They can, but their lives are cut short.  They get stressed, sick, and die.  It is very hard to cure a Betta in such little water.  The betta in his habitat may live in shallow waters, but they have lots of room to swim. The betta is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  Unfortunately there are no laws to protect fish.  A well kept betta must have a 5 gallon tank.  Complete water changes must be made weekly, unless the water in his tank is cycled. If he is in a cycled tank, then 25% of his water should be changed weekly.  In small bowls, water changes must be made every 3 days.  He is a tropical fish, and needs heated water of at least 78 degrees or 80 degrees.  When heating a bettas tank, this must be done very very slowly.  ONE degree every two days, as heating a tank too quickly will cause death.  He must have a varied diet.  Betta Pellet, Betta Flakes, Plankton flakes, Bloodworms, Glassworms, and Brine Shrimp to boost his immune system.   He should also have one frozen cooked pea a week.  Cut the pea into tiny pieces, and feed it to your betta one piece at a time, making sure he eats it, and that it doesn't fall to the bottom of the tank.  The day you feed him the pea, he should have nothing else to eat.  This is so he may clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease to which the Betta is prone to.  Bettas should be fed 2-3 times daily in small amounts.  Example:  2 pellets for one meal, or 2 flakes for one meal.  We must always remember that his tummy is the size of his eye.  A betta also needs a little silk plant so he can rest on the leaves.  He also needs a little toy that he can go through.  
When Bettas are well looked after they may live up to 7 years.  Unfortunately we do not know their age when we buy them.  
It is quite hard for me to know exactly what is wrong with your betta.  If the colour was yellowish, rusty, or golden, then I would say he has Velvet.  It could also be a fungus disease.  Stress Coat is not a medication, but a water conditioner.  Use Stress Coat every time you do a water change.  Always put in the right dose.
Do a complete water change, buy "Copper Sulfate" careful not to overdose.  Copper Sulfate treats many fungal diseases.  It will also treat velvet if this is what he has.  Add a pinch of diluted aquarium salt to his water...just a pinch.  It is hard to judge in a small bowl, usually it is one teaspoon to 5 gallons of water.
I hope the little man pulls through, keep me posted on how he is doing, and please consider buying him a bigger home.