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Parrot head injuryed by tank decoration

23 11:13:27

Our 6 year old 9 inch parrot head fish was injured by accident while moving a large tank decoration. He has 5 small scrapes on his side. I have a 40 gallon tank and put 4 tsp. of Melafix in the water. What else can I do? Do you recommend Bio Bandage and if so, how do I use it on such a large fish?

Hi Barbara,
 Actually I do not recommend doing anything. Fish are very good at healing themselves.  The most important thing is that the water in the tank be clean, and the filter working properly.  If those conditions are met and the tank is in good shape, then your fish will likely heal in just a few days.

 I am very cautious about putting "additives" into my tanks as these can often cause more problems than they solve.

-- Ron C.
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