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elaphant nose /Ubangi mormyrid

23 11:42:27

I've had this fish now for several months and he seemed to be growing fine.At first he was very skittish and it was hard to have a good look at his health.
Now he will feed from my hand and is the first one to the surface to do so.
The tip of his trunk seems to have turned a little white and so has his under belly.In the light he looks a little bit blue and has me quite concerned.
It does not look fluffy as i would think fungus and he seems happy enough.I just do not know how to treat him and really do not like chemical treatments and neither do the discus he is in with.
Could you please give me any advice on what you think {is it his coloring ,is his trunk just rubbed from rooting around the gravel ]And what can i treat scaleless fish with .
tank mates are
black ghost knife ,snakeskin discus,red Turk and blue Turks pidgin bloods ,peppered cory cats and couple of bristle nose catfish .
All in a 55 gal planted tank

The Elephant Nose is very hard to keep, and should never be kept with a Black Ghost.  They both give off electricity.  The Elephant Nose hardly every makes it in a community tank.  Eventually, fights will break out with the Black Ghost, and one of them will be killed.  The Elephant Nose as been known to kill off fish that harass them.  The Black Ghost is much easier to keep, and will never do damage in a community tank, but he will defend himself.  They are both nocturnal fish, and most of their activity is done when the lights are out, and we are not around to see what is going on in our tanks.  The Elephant Nose often rubs himself on other defenseless fish at night causing stress in a tank.  Stress causes disease.  He certainly does not belong with Discus fish.  He should be kept in a tank of his own, or other elephant noses.  A group of 5 will get along just fine, but they are extremely difficult to keep.
You will have to treat him.  There are a few medications that you will find at your pet store for scaleless fish.  I would recommend removing him from your tank to another tank if possible.  Fill the tank with water from your 55 gallon, and try to medicate him with Tetra Fungus cure.  This medication is made for scaleless fish.  Once cured, I would not put him back into the main tank.  He will only get sick again.  Keeping Elephant Noses is quite difficult.  It is not a beginners fish...and even people who have had fish for a long time have trouble keeping this fish alive.  If you look on the web, you will find lots of information concerning this fish.  It would be too long for me to write all the information here.
If you do save him, you will have to bring him back to your pet store, and ask for a credit, or consider keeping him in another tank.  He is very sensitive to water conditions, but this you must know, and frequent water changes are a must.
I hope you can cure him without adding medication to your main tank,  Discus, and Black Ghosts are sensitive to medication.  Make sure your water is extremely clean at all times.  No ammonia, no nitrites, and nitrates must be very low all the time.  
I hope this will help, and that you save your Elephant Nose, but liked mentioned above, this fish is one of the hardest to keep.