Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Red Cap Oranda

Red Cap Oranda

23 14:03:25

QUESTION: Last week I bought a Black Moor and a Red Cap Oranda fish. I had been
looking after them well and feeding them the correct amount. However this
morning when I went to feed them, I found the Red Cap had died. The only
reason I can think of is that maybe the room was too warm. I have moved my
tank to a cooler room now but would be interested to know if this could be
the reason as I wouldn't like it to happen again. Any advice you could give
would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi Lorna,

It could be all manner of things. Was the tank newly set-up when you added the fish?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yeah it was. Could this have been the problem?

When a tank is first set-up it goes through a period where it becomes extremely toxic to fish. Hardy common goldfish can survive through this period providing regular water changes are provided. Goldfish such as the Red Cap Oranda are extremely fragile and it's common for them to die quickly in newly established aquaria. Black Moors are slightly more hardy but will quickly fall ill if kept in unsuitable conditions for too long.

Anways, I sound like a school teacher and I'm not trying to lecture you. Basically, Goldfish release vast amounts of ammonia in their urine. They also defecate frequently which eventually rots down to toxic ammonia.

I'd recommend adding live bacteria (available at your local fish store) and carrying out 50% water changes once a week (if the tank is less than a month old). If the tank is a month old then carry out 25% water changes every 2-4 weeks. Treat Tapwater with dechlorinator and top filter bacteria up with live bacteria each time the water is changed.

Also, cut down on feeding, a pinch of flake will do, your fish won't starve and they will help keep the tank clean by picking through the substrate in search of food.

Any probs then let me know

Good luck
