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chiclid water temp

23 14:22:16

What temperature should the water be at for African chiclids or any type of chiclids? Could to warm kill fish?

Nancy,                                                        Your African cichlids run at about 78 degrees.  Don't forget they run at a saltwater ph 8.0 to 8.3. It keeps them healthier, a longer life span, and more colorful. To keep your water at a higher ph without testing so much you can buffer your water by adding a piece of coral. I would recommend sea sand also. They love it burrowing and swimming through it. It will also buffer your water and help you mantain a higher ph. They are so comical in sand. You can clean it just like your gravel. You will lose some sand and have to replace some once or twice a year, but it is so worth it. I always say if you want saltwater color and personality in freshwater go African cichlids. Just a little tip to keep your ph up i use baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate. Ph up. Same thing......  natural. That is what I use in my 125 salt tank. That is what I always used in my freshwater tanks. You are spending alot of money on oh up and that is what it is.Too warm can cause problems, but I think you are ok. Good luck, Tina