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jugar fish

23 14:01:56

Woody Guthrie (the songwriter)mentions catching a jugar in two different songs about fishing.  I have been unable to find out if I am mishearing the recording or if there is a fish called a jugar.  Googling brings up mentions of jugar chichlids, but no real site with information.   Can you help me?  Thanks from many folklorists!

Hi Deborah,
  There is a jaguar cichlid, Cichlasoma managuensis, but it comes from southern Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica.  It seems pretty unlikely to me that Woody Guthrie would be talking about that fish.   

  I haven't heard of any other fish called a jaguar fish.   

  Almost all folk songs that I have ever heard that mentioned fish were referring to catfish of one form or another, likely because catfish figure prominently in the folklore and culture of the south.  (Though now that I try, I can't think of any specific songs. Sorry).

-- Ron
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