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unsure about betta condition

23 14:02:00

my betta appeared to have swimbladder disease, however i have come to discover that this is not the case as the swollen belly on her is up under her two front bottom fins and not further down the body, and also the swimbladder treatment was ineffective.
Basically i am wondering if she is perhaps suffering from egg retention as she is bearing both horizontal stripes on her sides and vertical stripes on her face, however her condition seems somewhat weak, but she is retaining her colour and breathing O.k if not slightly heavy, and has become lethargic in her activities, but still eats well. Shall i consider trying to breed her to improve her condition, or if Betta fish can even suffer from egg retention, of do you know if it is something else?

Treatments don't work 100% of the time, and if a treatment doesn't work it doesn't mean she doesn't have that disease. Just keep your water quality good, change it twice a week with a good condtioner, and feed washed shelled peas for a few days in combination with her normal foods.
