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Black Moor Goldfish Sick!

23 11:31:21


I have had my black moor goldfish 'Lou' for about 4 months now and until Sunday he has been living in a fish bowl without a filter. On Sunday I discovered he was covered in large flaky white spots. They are about 1-3mm in size and are all over his body particularly on his head and fins. On Sunday I moved him into a 17 litre aquaruim and treated the water with white spot disease remedy. However after looking at pictures on the internet, I have discovered that he looked different so I don't think that it is that. Also he is sucking at the surface of the water and not eating much. Please help, he is getting worse!
Thankyou so much,
I have a attached a picture sorry if it is hard to see.

ooo that looks bad...

does he have these symptoms??
Loss of appetite
White spots on mouth, scales, and fins
Cottony growth on mouth
Fins disintegrate beginning at the edges
Looks like a small cotton ball

or these??
Small white grains of saltlike spores all over body
White pimples concentrated mainly on the fins
Rubbing up against other objects
Slimy skin due to heavy mucus layer
Abnormal swimming behaviour
Breathing difficulties
Lethargy and loss of appetite
Fraying fins and/or cloudy eyes

or these
Fine grey-gold to whitish 'dust' on the body
Very rapid gill movement
Scratching or flashing
Clamping of the fins
Very similar it ICH

Large ugly sores on body
Skin looks grey in patches.
Fish is lethargic
Fins are torn & jagged
Fish swim aimlessly.
May have spasms.
Loss of appetite
Fish lays at the bottom of the tank