Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta Fish w/ sore by eyeball

Betta Fish w/ sore by eyeball

23 15:07:01

Hi Chris, my daughter received a Betta Fish about 2 years ago for a birthday present. I recently changed it's water, the next day I noticed a little whiteness around one of it's eyeballs. Now, two days later it is larger and scales seem to be missing all around the area and getting deeper every day. What is this? The fish is kept in a large vase w/ small rocks at the bottom. We live in Florida and it is on our dining room table where it gets plenty of warmth and sun. It is eating ok....please help.  

Hi Vickie;

It sounds like an infection of some kind behind the eye. Fluid buildup or inflammation causes pressure so the eye protrudes. I rarely recommend medications anymore, but in this case it may be necessary. He's an old little fella and his immune system isn't as strong as a young fish would be.

Find a product called "Maracyn 2" at your local fish store. Another good one is "Kanacyn" made by Aquatronics. These two particular antibiotics get inside the fish where infection is instead of just treating the outside like others do. Follow the instructions on the label exactly.

Also keep his water as clean as possible. It should be changed once a week. Except as recommended by the medicines. I don't remember what they say about that.

Hope he feels better soon....

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Chris Robbins

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