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my parrot ciclid

23 14:01:38

QUESTION: It keeps laying on the bottom of the tank it lk is on his side and i dont kno whats wrong i havent changed the water bc its very clean and it has enough food and O2 all my other fish are fine my big oscar and the other 2 parrot fish and the jacks are fine also....

ANSWER: HI Mackenzy,
 The fact that you think the water is clean is not a good indicator of how clean the water actually is.  You should change 25% of the water once a week, every week, even if it looks perfectly clean.  
If the water actually looks dirty, then it is way past the time to change water.

 That said, the most likely reason for why one fish would be lying on the bottom while others are fine is because the other fish probably attacked that fish.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well the day that i asked you the first question i actually changed the water and then 4 days later that fish died and now my other parrot ciclid is acting the same laying on the rocks and it has black scales at the top of its fine portions and all my other fish are acting fine. Prior to this event happening i fed them rosy reds and small gold fish food some food.... as soon as i put them in the tank they were fine but the next day 5 of them were dead and then a few more dead the next day.. i dont kno what else to do i got all the feeder fish out of the tank n flushed them and drained the water half way and my other fish is now sick and others acting great and they all get along fine.... the scales on my fish are changing from pink to white and has black marks on it that it never had before and none of my other fish have this occuring to them

Hi Mackenzy,
  Sadly, many many fish die because people feed them feeder fish. All too often feeder fish carry various diseases that trasmit to your fish and kill them.  I recommend that you NEVER feed with feeder fish.

 Unfortunately, there is little you can do about it at this point.  It is now up to your fish to pull through or not.  Sorry.

-- Ron
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