Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > redcap oranda and fantail illness

redcap oranda and fantail illness

23 11:05:57

QUESTION: Hi there, i got a female redcap oranda and a male fantail, 2 days ago they got small white spots on body an tail, also there tails got a lot of blood streaks more than the usual, and today i noticed a brown almost red spot on my redcap's back....

what can i do for them? they live in an 18 liters tank with filters and i add to the filter carbon and no i moved them to a 6 liter tank to concentrate medication i added quarter antibiotic pill 250 mg to the 6 liter tank what can i do? also i think they got the disease from a bubble molly i recently got she was sick and died but before she died all her tail fell down......

sorry for my long question but plz help me i dont know what to do...
thx in advance

Unfortunately, 18 liters is no where big enough to house a redcap oranda, and the 6 liters is even worse. If you concentrate the medication, it will kill your fish. One fancy goldfish should be in nothing less than 150 liter and since you have 2 goldfish, nothing smaller than 200 liters. If these fish are not kept in the right size tank they will die. Your fish have Ich and are suffering from ammonia poisoning and most likely nitrite poisoning as well. The white spots are the Ich and the red streaking is the ammonia poisoning. TO treat the Ich you can try any of the following. Coppersafe, Quick-Cure
Ich-Ease, Aquari-sol, Cure-Ick, or,Super Ick Cure. Which ever you get make sure you follow the directions on the packaging. You can even add some aquarium salt to the water and raise the temperature to between 80 and 82 degrees. Gold fish do not like these temperatures but it will speed up the process. Make sure, if you raise the temp, to add an air stone to the tank. The higher the temperature the lower the oxygen in the water. Please, cycle a tank that is the right size for the fish you have. If you cannot get the, the right size tank, I recommend you take them back to the store. Since you have them in such a small home, you will have to do daily water changes. To help with the ammonia poisoning, Do your water changes daily to remove the ammonia until you get them in the right size tank. Once they are housed right, you will do the water changes weekly. Water changes are done bu removing water from the tank and replacing it with clean conditioned water.

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QUESTION: Thank you for Ur help so much ill get a bigger home as soon as possible..
but i got 2 more questions. my redcap has now brown small spots 2 or 3 on her back i believe they call them rust how can i treat those????

ANSWER: It is still Ich. There is white spots and brown spots. Just follow the directions on which ever medication you bought and it will help heal him. I think you are thinking about the disease velvet. I do not think your fish have that yet, but the way to check is to shine a light on them from above. If you see a goldish copper color, then it is velvet.

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QUESTION: hello thx for all the help i got a medication for the ich yesterday quick cure but the streaks are increasing terribly and their fins are already starting to wear off at its ends what can i do for those streaks.... plz help me soon i dont want them to die plz...
thx for all and sorry for my too many questions

The best way to get rid of the ammonia and nitrites is by water changes. It will be hard to treat them because they are not in the right size home. You will need to test your water with a liquid test kit. If the ammonia and/or nitrites are high, you will do a large water change of about 50% of the water replacing it with clean conditioned water. You will have to do this daily until both the ammonia and nitrites are registering at zero.