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peas, sexing, swollen belly

23 14:47:10

Hi I've been reading alot of the questions and answers on this site and I was wondering why you would feed any fish peas? Also I would like to know how I could sex my fish. I have 5 tigerbarbs, 1 pleco, 1 rainbow shark, 1 albino rainbow shark, 2 gaint danios, and 2 gourmis (I think blue gourmis but not sure). I had 3 gaint danios but 1 developed a very swollen belly. We thought it had tuburculosis and didn't want any other fish getting sick so we flushed it (said to do so on another site). Do you think we could have done anything for the fish? I really didn't want to flush him but he was in a tank with 3 fish that I have had for 3 years and I didn't want them to die. Is it posible that the other 2 danios have it sence I bought them at the same time? If so, what can I do if they start showing signs of it? Thank you

Hi Tina;

Peas act as a laxative. A fish's natural environment would have plenty of vegetables available so they don't become constipated. That abundance is not generally present in an aquarium. Most fish are fed dry foods, and far too much of it, causing constipation. Constipation can be fatal in fish. Peas will help clear the gut. Then, the fish should have more fiber in their diet in the future so it doesn't happen again. Romaine lettuce, cooked green beans, cucumber or squash slices, are all good choices. Live plants are okay too but are considerably more expensive. Provide veggies at least twice a week.

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that generally causes symptoms such as emaciation, crooked spine, and sores, but not body swelling. Your fish probably had either constipation, was an eggbound female, or had dropsy. For constipation and eggbinding, try peas. If your fish exhibit the true signs of TB, use an appropriate antibiotic and isolate the fish.

Please don't flush a sick fish. It is a horrible, suffocating and lingering way to die. If you must destroy a small fish, squash it quickly under a flat rock or brick outside for an instant death. Another humane method is with Clove Oil and Vodka. Here is a page about it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins