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Question about my two Angelfish.

23 14:59:35

I have two angelfish in my 55 gallon aquarium along with some tetras and barbs and sharks, they all have gotten along fine until now.  I think that i have one male and one female angelfish, and recently the female has been bullying the male. Her stomach seems to be enlarge quite a bit, i don't know what they look like when they are pregnant, but i don't see any eggs in the tank.  But they will peck at each other and eventually he will give up.  Recently he has stopped eating its been a couple of days since he has eaten.  He will fight any other fish that comes near them sometimes, but it is scarying us a little.  We don't want either to die.  Last night we put a divider in the tank keeping her by herself, and she got noticable angry, she kept raming the glass, and would do this thing here she would push out those fins that hang down in the front, and it looks weird, it was like she keep raming him, and he would jump back whenever she rammed the glass hard, but he would stay right by the glass.  They both stayed by the glass all night.  Please help, i don't know if you can understand what is going on, but any answers would help.  Thank you

Hi Sarah,
 Hmm....  look very carefully on plants and in the corners of the aquarium to see if you see a bunch of small clear/slightly whitish blobs about half the size of a pinhead -- those would be eggs.  It sounds like your fish might be guarding some eggs (or at least was trying to).  

-- Ron
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