Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > can a siamese fighter male go in with convicts?

can a siamese fighter male go in with convicts?

23 11:45:08

hiya i was just wondering i have 4 convicts and have been given opportunity of this beautiful fighter fish,i was wanting know if they could go in together?i wanted ask first as i dont want any harm come to any of them

Hi Jane,
This would be a big NO NO!  The beautiful Siamese fighter fish would be no match for the convicts, and would soon be killed.  The Betta should really be kept alone in a 5 gallon tank, or with an african frog.  His long skirt is an attraction to all fish, and most would nip it.  Never put a Betta in with cichlids.  Cichlids are territorial, and aggressive.
Hope this answers your question, and if you would like more information on the Betta, please do not hesitate to write me.