Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Bloating


23 11:13:41

I have a black and gray yoyo loach that is about 8 years old.It normally swims all over the aquarium,but in the last week I have noticed that is has gotten really huge,like it is bloated and it just stays on the bottom of the tank.It is eating very little and can swim,but doesn't seem to go anywhere but on the bottom.Any idea what could be wrong?

Patti, although your loach is not to far from an average life span, its sounds as if it may have some sort of bacterial infection. It could be dropsy or an internal infection. I highly recommend you go to the pet store at your earliest convenience and purchase an antibiotic for your fish. I stick with the Maracyn brand which has always prevailed with me. Bacterial infections are very lethal, so the earliest signs of an infection needs the quickest treatment to prevent it from getting worse. Good luck. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask anytime.