Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Oranda Bullies

Oranda Bullies

23 14:24:57

     I have a 54 liter fish tank with a chemical/mechanical/biological filter with an attached air pump. The Thank hood incorporates a fluorescent light and this is my problem: about a year ago I bought 3 Orandas from the same dealer and they were stored in the same tank, I moved them to my current tank where they were quite happy. I added 4 White Cloud Mountain Minnows which went fine but ever since then any other fancy fish I add to the tank keep dying as with 1 of my Orandas. I checked all the fish for diseases before adding them and I bought all of them from a very high quality dealer. The Orandas keep going at the new fish and I think this is the cause of their deaths so how can I stop it? They are very territorial is there anything I can do?
                                      Thank you very much,

Hi Nicole,
 Not really.  Your fish are territorial and they will remain that way. As they got larger and older, they will get more territorial.  I don't suggest adding any more fish.

 The only long term solution is to get a much larger tank.

-- Ron
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