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my fish has lost color

23 14:03:07

my fish got stuck in the filter a few days ago and now its tale is in rags and its losing its color fast it is a black puff eyed fish srry i dont know the real name and it is now almost completly silver like a shiny silver and it is not swimming very well is there anyway to fix it he lives in a 35 gallon tank with 4 other fish all the fish are of small size under 1 inch there is also a small frog in the tank 3 plants and one fake rock formation of a very small size we clean it every month and we feed them flakes twice a day the tempeture is around 65-75 usualy around 71 the ph is at normal 7.0 and nothing elese seems to be out of normal range please help i would hate to lose my fish and thankyou for your time

First of all you need to start doing water changes once a week. No matter how large the tank (unless you happen to work in an aquarium) that rule will never change. About 30 percent a week will be fine as long as you have a decent filtration system.
Since your temperature is so low I'm assuming you have a goldfish tank (which honestly shouldn't have a frog in it) and your fish will be fine as long as you keep his water clean and start adding either aquarium salt or slime coat replacers. This will prevent infection and help him heal faster.