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goldfish ick?

23 11:07:12

i have a 30 gallon tank with three goldfish (I am aware that they require sufficient space).  Recently I have introduced a new goldfish and there are white spots on all four of them now.  The spots are small like grains of salt and they cover the fins and body of the fish. Is this ick/ich? How will this affect my fish and what can I do to treat it?  All of the fish are non fancy goldfish and are several, maybe 5 years old.  Thanks in advance


These 4 goldfish should be in a tank no smaller than 50 gallons. That said, lets get rid of the Ich. In cooler water the Ich treatment cycle is about 6 weeks. In water that is about 80 degrees, treatment is about 10 days. Malachite green is widely used for treating Ich in goldfish. Make sure you follow the directions on the bottle. Ich can only be killed and treated successfully  when it is at its most vulnerable stage and that is when it is in the water. The heat will speed this process up so that treatment can be done quicker.