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Fighter fry

23 11:46:50

QUESTION: after my beta breeded for the first time all the fry died slowly. Is it beacuse there was no oxygen in the tank at all? Also the last fry died after nearly 45 days but the sixe of the fry was only 3 mm( millimeter) less than half a cm. I had fed them egg yolk paste (made on my palms and placed gently on the water surface after which it slowly moves down). What could be the reason for the death? i do not have any other food available in the market. I have only got daphni powder, which i can ground to powder form. Will this suffice for the 2 day old frys?

ANSWER: Hi Rakesh,
When breeding bettas you must be well prepared.  Baby fry will not eat anything but live food, and very small live food.  They should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp,and mainly microworms.  You must set up well before the fry are free swiming a hatchery for brine shrimp, and a microworm culture.  A microworm culture takes up to 7 days to bloom.  Brine shrimp take 48 hours to hatch.  You must have these foods ready for them as soon as they come out of their eggs.  You must begin the process even before your fish breed.  Without these foods, your fry will die.  Egg yolk paste or infusoria will not keep your fry alive.  Daphnia powder or any other dry foods will not do.  You must feed them baby brine shrimp, and microworms 4 times a day.  You can also have vinegar eels to back up in case you run out for a day, but only as a backup.
There water must be kept very very clean.  This means water changes every single day.  If you cannot get these foods, you must forget about breeding bettas.  These foods are the only foods easily made, and will keep your bettas alive.  If you do not have these foods on hand, there is nothing you can do.  I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but this is the only way, or you will keep losing your fry.  You can see how important this is.  You must always have  newly hatched brine shrimp, and microworms on hand, always.  You cannot go one day without feeding them these foods, so you see you must be well prepared.   If you have these foods, your fry would survive.  Any other food, they cannot eat, or they will choke on it.
I'm sorry you cannot find these foods.  
You have no choice, it must be baby brine shrimp, and not brine shrimp that you buy at a pet store unless they sell the baby brine shrimp...the other brine shrimp is for adults.
I hope you can somehow find a way to do this.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If we feed only micro worms will it be fine? If yes till how long before we move the fry to normal worms? Is oxygen also necessary for the fry? the water level is 5 inches and the tank is a 12 by 6 inch small tank where the fry are placed.

Yes it would be okay to use micro worms.  In this case, feed them twice a day.  If you see that they have not eaten everything the first feed, avoid the second, and remove all the dead microworm from the bottom of the tank.  Do water changes every day.  As the fry grow, you will need a bigger tank, depending on the amount of fry you have.  Sometimes you will need one ten gallon tank, sometimes two.  Around 4 weeks, you must start feeding them grated frozen bloodworms, and grated frozen daphnia and continue feeding microworms.   Use the smallest side of a cheeze grater.  Buy the Hikari brand of frozen foods as others may have parasites in them.  It happens.  When you see that they are growing well, and eating the frozen foods, you can start feeding them good quality flakes, crushed like powder.  Vary their food as much as possible.  As time goes on, you will see that they can eat bigger size foods.  You will be able to judge.  Betta fry are very slow growing, so don't get discouraged.
Good Luck!

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QUESTION: what about the oxygen?

 Two weeks after they are born, you could add a sponge filter, this is less dangerous for the fry.   Also, remember that bettas need heated water.  Their water should be 80-82 degrees.  Make sure their is a cover on your tank for them to breathe the same air temperature as the water in their tank.  This is very important, as they would die if the temperature was not the same.