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New tank mates

23 11:05:48

Hi Richard,
I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank that i'm looking to restock but i'm not sure what kind to get. I have two fish left that are in complete contrast in size which is why i'm not sure what to get. I have one emerald cory, and a 16 inch pleco. My pleco sort of ' dominates' the tank due to his size but I have had a gourami, tetras, and mollies/ balloon mollies with him before with no problem really. Would any of these fish i've had before make good tank mates again or would you recommend others?
I forgot to mention in the beginning, if it matters..I keep the tank at 82 degrees, I have a 60 galoon whisper hanging box filter and two air stones in the tank.

Hi Lauren

Hmmmm this is a little tricky because your Pleco really needs more room and your Cory Cat would do better in a group of at least 3. Your Pleco needs a minimum tank size of 75 gallons which is 48" long and 18" deep and 21" high.

As far as what to put in with the Pleco and the Cory, I would go with larger fish that won't be intimidated by the Pleco and won't bother the Cory. These would include Angels, Gouramis, Silver Dollars and Tinfoil Barbs.

I hope this helps you, good luck!
