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Moving Oscars

23 15:00:15

Hello.  I have two oscars.  I have to move in a week and was wondering what would be the best way to move them safely.  My female is only about 4 inches long but my male is about 12 inches long.  Some one told me to use a rubber made container but I was wondering if I should transport them seperately.  They live together in their tank quite well but I would hate for them to hurt each other in the move if I transport them together.  I also have a pchostomus that is about 7 inches long.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your time.

Hi Twyla;

I would box each fish separately. They all have spines that they can poke each other with and cause injury. Especially the plecostamus.

Rubbermaid containers are great to use. Rinse them and use two plastic trash bags to line each one. Make sure the bags are big enough to line the whole box when water is added.

Here are two different sites with more good suggestions;

Happy Moving!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins