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23 11:44:06

hi lynda
just went back to read your bio.
i am an accountant.
60 y/o hoping to retire soon and i hope to develope a love for fish...hopefully you will halp.

Hi Alan,
Keeping tropical fish is a passion.  You will soon see if you like this hobby or not.  You will have to see what kind of fish you are attracted to.  There are many families, not all fish get along, and all have different needs.  Some need big tanks, some get along in smaller tanks.  Some need acidic water, others neutral, and some need alkaline water.  Tanks have to cycle before putting fish in them, and weekly water changes are a must.  There is also a question of food, flakes alone is not enough.  When you are ready to begin the Hobby, let me know, and I will help you as much as I can.