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jack dempsey not eating

23 14:57:15

hi, I hope you can help me, I  have had this Jack for a few mounths, and all of the sudden he has no  appatite. he is 8" long, and bright in colar, the water is fine in all catagories, and the other fish  are doing well.
  Siense his loss of appatite I  have treated for bacteria, and funguss, as well as copper, and parasites.  still he just  doesn't eat pellets, or frozen food what should I do?

Hi Mike,
  Are you doing regular weekly partial water changes?  You should be changing about 20% of his water once a week, every week.

  Treating for diseases that he doesn't have or only might have can actually cause more problems (and possibly even kill him).  So only treat if you know what it is he has.  

  If it were my fish, I would do some partial water changes, maybe 3 days in a row, and see if that doen't help.  Just to be clear, 3 days in a row of partial water changes is much better than doing one big water change once.

-- Ron
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