Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Chance


23 11:48:11

QUESTION: Hello. Chance is food orientated. He loves food. He is one today as it is his birthday today. Saying no and removeing the sock worked but I had to bin the socks because he shredded them. He is doing great with sit. He is getting the hang of it fast because he is a very fast learner. The treat behind the head worked. Is that how you teach your dog? Chance is having a mad half hour doing a few laps around the house. He runs artound the back yard always the same way so we have a lttle track where he runs. If sombody opens the front door he bolts out of the house so we end up chasing Cnance until he reaches the park and we get the lead back on him and take him back home. We live on a main road too so I'm scared he will bolt out and he will get hit by a car like Toby did. I gave the fish the medication and they are miles better today. Chance jumps up at me and I can't see him coming because I was born with a visual impairment and I get called a blind bat because of it too, it's not even my fault. He has really got the hang of sit. He does it like a pro now.
Danielle and Chance. Chance says woof woof and I think that means hello.

ANSWER: Hello,
Wow, thats great news about chance, although it sounds like he will need recall training...but im sure we will get to that, im glad your fish are better too.


Im sorry about your eyes, but im sure it doesnt affect your lovely personality, you sound like a very loving caring person.

What do you want to work on with chance next?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello. I am a loving caring person. Is there any way I cna train Chance not to jump up at me and bolt out of the house? He knocked me over this morning. I've lived with a visual impairment for 22 years. You learn to adapt to it and live with it. I just came in now and he bollted out the door but I grabbed him. Visual impairment isn't the half of it. I have got pressure in my left eye which is the only eye I can see out of and I could get glocomer which means I will lose the vision in that eye. He just jumped at me and nearly sent me flying of my chair. He could have knocked my laptop onto the floor and broke it. When we are eating he steals our food and we telll him no but he won't listen to that around food if we are eating so I need to teach him some table manners to. All night last night he was batking so all I got was woof woof! all night. He has figured out how to open my fish cabinet and fish tank with the goldfish. He drinks the water in the goldfish tank and one day he will empty it and they will die. I don't want him drinking out of the goldfish tank or any fish tank for that matter. I want him to drink out of his own water bowl not the fish tanks. Ok I walked into the water bowl and spilt the water but that's no reaszon for him to drink from fish tanks. I took him to the vets and bad news. He has a condition that will eventually result in him being completely blind. He can't see that well as it is. I think I need to change tactics when teaching him. Thank you so much for helping me with Chance. He says thank you for the birtthday greetings. He just walked into a wall. The vet said the condition won't make him suffer thank goodness. He will just be blind. He won't be in any pain with it. I can't remember the name of what Chance has. I lost a ring today at college.
Danielle and Chance.

ANSWER: Ok so he need to learn the actuall command now, so have you tried telling him to sit without holding the treat behind his head?

Table mannars, when yyou eating make him stay in a different room ,or evein put him in the yard. dont feed him until after you have finished, and dont give him table food for now as that will encourage him, and also NEVER feed him whilst your eating or at the table, because your basically rewarding him for being there.
When he jumps up, if you see him coming stick your knee up so that he jumps into it, this will startle him and hurt a bit so he should stop.

Bolting out the door
- make him sit before you open the door when you go for walks, and DO NOT let him get out before you leave, and the same for when you return, this way he will learn he has to follow you and must go after you, if he tries to go before you yank him back and say no sternly, if he waits reward him with a treat

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello. I have tried saying sit without hlding the treat behind his head. I just did it now and he sat right away. I've rewarded him with a treat. I put the treat in front of him by his paw. He couldn't see it so I gave it to him by hand.. He jumped at me again so I put my knee up and he jumped a mile and yelped because it gave him a fright. I will try the table manners when I have my tea. I have just taken him for a walk and told him to sit at the door both going out and coming home and he did sit but when I opened the door he charged out so I yanked him back but he didn't listen. I said no sternly too and he still doesnt listen. We've got a long way to go with bolting out the door. When We go for a walk I say "Chance fetch lead," and he gets his lead and gives it to me so that's one good thing. Shall I make him sit if somebody comes to visit as well? I'm only asking because a friend of mine who loves dog ad used to be my personal assistant is coming for tea tonight. I don't want him jumpimg at her. I never feed him table food becauae if I did the dog would get the wrong message and say "if I sit at the table I will get rewarded with food for being there." I don't want that to happen. I just want him to lie in his bed in my room while we eat. My room is the only room mum will let him sleep in. Have you been atching the dog whisperer by any chance? because your very good with dogs. It's hard for me to see him coming to jump up at me with you know the vision but I try, really I do.
Danielle and Chance. Heres my friend, good time to put sit at the door into practice.

Hello, thats good about Chance.
Get your friend to put her knee up too so chance knows you mean buisness, and yes it is a brilliant idea making hi sit before she enters.
Remember to reward him =]

Did you add me on msn?
Its ok if you did as it will be easier to talk that way, but if you dont have msn dont worry i am more than happy to carry on this way