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One Guppy

23 14:02:26

Hi, I now have a ten gallon tank with two neon tetras, two african dwarf frogs, and two black neon tetras. Today I went and bought one guppy and added him, but he is acting strange. He is swimming really fast against the wall of the tank like he is trying to escape, and he looks a little pale, but he was fine and happy when I saw him in the tank at the store. Is this because he is the only guppy? Should I get another one? The rest of the animals in the tank are acting fine and normal by the way, so I don't know what's wrong with this one guppy.

He is nervous. He doesn't have any of his buddies to "watch his back for him", and her was just moved from one tank to another with completely different water and decor. Buy a few more guppies of the same sex, add some more hiding places and some stress coat, and your guppies will be fine.