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Bleeing Cichlid

23 14:02:25

My boyfriend just bought a new African cichlid that got the crap beat out of it by a bigger one. He hasn't been doing so awesome lately. He hasn't been swimming, hes been sticking close to the sand at the bottom of the tank and seems to be leaning to the side. I noticed he had a few small cuts near his tail, however we moved all the fish out of the tank except for the pleco and syndronamanis catfish. Did a water change but he doesn't appear to be getting better. He has more cuts and it appears as if blotches of scales are missing. I'm not sure what to do or if he can be saved... Any suggestions are appreciated.  :)

Hi Amanda,
  Time will tell.  Often it takes a few days after a fight for the full extent of the damage to appear.  Now it is just a matter if he is strong enough to heal.  On the plus side, cichlids are remarkable resilient and can heal some incredible wounds.

-- Ron
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