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Two new Dwarf Gouramis

23 14:49:04

So the one surviving Dwarf Gourami would do fine on his own? Is there another breed that would get along with him in such a small tank? I feel bad just having him in there by himself without a tankmate. Is there another breed you might recommend that could coexist with him in such close quarters? Thanks so much for your help!

Followup To

Question -

I recently bought two new Dwarf Gouramis from my local aquarium. Now, I only have a 2 gallon tank (I am a rookie aquarist after all), but the man working at teh aquarium said that 2 gallons would be enough space for teh both of them to coexist. I hadn't done much research beforehand, but I fell in love with these little guys. Now, one of them is larger than the other, and he is definitely bullying the smaller one around. He won't let him eat or even so much as move out of a little corner of the tank. What would you recommend? I'm not sure I could afford a larger tank right I stuck with a surely soon dead smaller fish? Thanks for your advice!

Answer -
Hello Rob-

If you don't separate them, the larger one will probably kill the smaller one. You can try returning the small fish and exchanging it for a larger one (usually if the two are the same size, they won't fight to the death.) Or, you can opt for just one gourami (it will grow larger if it has a space to itself.)

I understand your plight; aquariums are ridiculously high priced nowadays.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman

Hello again Rob-

Bottom dwellers, like Raphael catfish or bumblebee catfish, will get along fine. They don't swim too much, so they shouldn't get in the way of the gourami. Small, slow moving fish like guppies should be avoided.

Hope this is useful!
-Amber Worman