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fighter fish (betta)

23 14:23:33

hi i have two fighter fish in the same tank a female and a male and when my female fighter goes near my male fighter it chases it away is it just playful or is my male fighter trying to kill the female thanks

Well, the ONLY time a male and female Betta should be in the same tank is if you are breeding them.  If not, chances are your female will wind up dead, relatively quickly in some cases.  You did not say if you were trying to breed.  This takes lots of conditioning on he fish's part, lots of money and lots of patience.

If I were you, I'd separate them immediately in order to try to save the female.  Even when these fish are conditioned to breed, sometimes the females still wind up dead.  But moving her out of that tank quickly is my opinion. I cannot tell you what to do, only suggest what you should do.

Feel free to get back to me with any other questions.

Good luck!!!   ;o)