Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my fish is hurt

my fish is hurt

23 15:08:41

i've been with the fish ,flowerhorns for about 2 years, i know they can be very aggresive, example when we walk near the tank it gets very excited and follows our movement. well 2 days ago we went to the tank and it was flapping sideways literlly sideways now it is still very alert and still notices movement around him, still eats and is not gasping for air. could have rammed so hard to the tank glass that it could have broken it's bone? is that possible? help me!!!!!!Linda

Hi Linda;

It is possible he has intestinal gas. Try feeding him some cooked peas. They usually help the intestines begin functioning more normal again. Hopefully he will feel better soon.

What kind of food do you normally feed him and how often?

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Chris Robbins

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