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Oscar, our oscar :(

23 13:56:52

I recently noticed what i'm pretty certain is Hole in the Head disease, i've searched alot of websites and by looking at pictures i'm fairly certain that's what it is. Since i just noticed this yesterday, we haven't yes started the treatments. Alot of people have said that we dont need to give him medicine, as long as we keep changing at least 25% of the water each week, and vacume the gravel at the bottom every 2 weeks. Also we are going to change his food since he hasn't seem to take to the new food we started giving him. OK anyway, that's not my question, my question is this. I took another look at Oscar and now he seems to have this white sac like substance coming out of his butt (??) it's on his underbelly, doesn't look like an abraisian or anything just like he's pooping these white sacs. They aren't eggs, since i took a look on a different website and it doesn't look anything like those pictures.  Do you have any idea what it might be? Or any other suggestions on treating him? We have a 30gallion tank with the 1 oscar and 1 algae eater.  Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. My husband just said that it looks like his rectum is swollen...


Hi Brina,
  Unfortunately you have a sick oscar. The white stuff indicates that he has an intestinal infection.  The hole in the head is telling you that he needs a cleaner place to live.  

 The trouble with oscars is that they eat alot and they make a mess. As a result, you need to do lots of water changes.  A regimen of changing 25% of the water once a week, EVERY week is a good place to start.  Always use the gravel vaccuum when you change water.   

 In the short term, I strongly suggest you do a 25% water change, 3 days in a row.  That will seriously help him get better.  Then, start on the once a week routine.

-- Ron
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