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Black Moor...

23 15:06:58

I have had Google for over 1 year now.  He has grown enormous!  I have a 10 gal. tank that has been established for 2 1/2 years.  There is a plecostamus(?sp), 2 long fin stiped fish, 3 orange mollies, and 1 lonely neon tetra.  The water is testing perfect.  The tank is very problem is that within the last 5 days my black moor's not black any more.  The main part of his body is now gold and patches of the gold is even flaking.  Is this ick or is this old age or what.  I don't know if I should leave him in the tank or if it's time to pull him out...Please HELP!

Hi Cindy;

Google needs a bigger tank. Goldfish are deep bodied messy guys and get 6 to 8 inches long, not counting their tails. Without enough room to move around they can't get enough exercise. They also prefer cooler temperatures and most of your other fish are tropicals. Get him a 20 gallon tank with a good filter and no heater and he should love it!

He may not be feeling well right now and need some additional things in his diet too. Goldfish need greens like romaine lettuce, chopped spinach, and peas about 3 times a week. They develop intestinal problems easily because of their unique digestive systems. The greens and shrimp help avoid these problems. It is very healthy for the other fish too, so they can all have some.

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Chris Robbins

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