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Leaving betta while on vacation

23 13:54:56

I have a male betta in a 3-gallon, heated tank in my small, windowless office at an elementary school.  He's been fine alone over weekends, but I'm wondering about the vacations ahead.  I could set up a fishbowl for him at home, but I'd have to take him out into the cold and travel with him for 20 miles to get him home, and I don't want him to get sick.  If he stays, I can arrange for our custodian to feed him once or twice - but the office will be pitch dark?  Will the darkness make him sick?  Or would travelling with him be more of a risk?

Hi Becky,
Bettas need some light, and love it, but not direct sunlight.  I certainly wouldn't leave a Betta in total darkness, this is cruel.  Betta's love people, they love seeing things, and to leave him in total darkness, there is more danger of him becoming sick, than taking him with you.  Can you imagine the shock of being in total darkness for what would seem a long time for the poor betta, and then all of a sudden light when you come back, this could really stress him, and then he could get very sick. I just want to mention that a betta should have three small meals a day, and not one big meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so it is best to feed him small amounts during the day.
I don't think it is good to leave him in total darkness for the week-ends, maybe you could leave a lamp on for him if you must leave him there over the week-ends.    
Please take him with you, it would be much better for him, and when you fix him his fish bowl make sure that it is the same temperature as the betta will be in...remember to use a good conditioner, and add a little aquarium salt.
Hope this helps