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silver tip sharks strange behavior

23 14:23:45

HI, I have two silver tip catfish about 8 inches long. I have recently moved them to a 55 gallon tank of their own. Since doing this about two weeks ago they are very skiddish and only stay on one side of the tank moving up and down the glass from top to bottom. They also don't seem to be eating as much as they used to. I had the tank running for about two weeks before moving them and had used plants and water from their previous tank when I started this one up. Any ideas as to why the drastic behavior changes. Also my larger one will go crazy if I approach the tank..swimming fast and hitting his head against the tank walls as he swims and splashes. Thanks,Shannon

Hi Shannon,
 That sort of behavior isn't that unusual and doesn't necessarily mean that anything is wrong.  Often it just means that they are expecting to get fed.

-- Ron
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