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dropped my fish in the hot tub

23 14:52:36

I know that bettas are not on your list but I need help. My son was changing its water, which he does dutifully every week. He was in a hurry while doing it outside on the railing over the hot tub...Yes you guessed it. In the tub it went (just had new chemicals added -bromine), the temp. being about 101 degrees. He raced down 10 stairs and "fished" him out.--Well it's been 14 days and he still hasn't eaten. He swims around more like before,and doesn't appear to have any other visible problems.His belly seemed swollen at first but that is smaller--he also is leaving more "bubbles" at the top of the tank like before. Any hope? Any suggestions? THANKS

Hi Steve,
 The good news is that your son's betta seems to have come through the hot tub with no ill effects.  The fact that there are more bubbles is great -- male bettas make a bubble nest when they want to breed so clearly your little guy is feeling fine.   (I don't recommend that you do the hot tub dip regularly!)

-- Ron
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