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Betta male not eating

23 15:03:12

Hi, im from Puerto Rico and have had a Betta fish since june, we usually fed him once a day 6-8 pellets, i told my mom that was to much but she just fed him till he didnt want more. We went to a family trip 2 weeks ago and left the betta with some friends. When we came back about a week and a half ago he hasnt been eating. Sometimes he puts the pellet in his mouth and then spits it out. What wrong with him? Is he sick?

Hi Gabriel;

Tell mom to cut back on food by about 50%. He only needs 3 to 4 pellets a day. He may have some digestive troubles after being overfed for a long time. Fish will often eat until it won't go in their mouth anymore but it really isn't healthy. Especially with dried foods. If he were eating bugs as fish do in nature, there would be moisture in them and he could digest it better. Dried foods are concentrated and pressed so they soak up water when they go into the tank water. They soak even up more moisture once they are inside the fish. This prevents proper digestion and can even cause constipation or fatal intestinal blockage.

If his belly seems swollen he may be constipated. I usually recommend feeding cooked green peas in little chunks (not canned-too much salt) But, if he isn't eating it makes it even more of a challenge. You can try Epsom Salt baths to help him. Here is a link to an article about it;

Change his water at least once a week and keep his tank water at 75 to 82 degrees to help him digest better. Bettas need at least 1/2 gallon of water to live in so if his tank is smaller it would help to get a bigger one. Lack of space is another cause of betta troubles.

Here is more about why bettas stop eating;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins