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getting a betta

23 14:26:43

I recently purchased a 2.5 gallon rectangular fish tank and will be buying a betta to put in it. I bought a Whisper filter made for small tanks but have read that in tanks that small bettas don't like the current, does it depend on the fish? Also, I have not bought a heater yet. I've read that tanks that small are hard to control the temp and frequent changes can disturb the fish. Do you recommend a certain brand of heater? How much water should I change at a time and how often? How often do I need to do 100% water changes? And where should I put my betta when the water is being changed? Thanks

Hi ally.

First you need to cycle your aquarium. Read up on the cycling process here:

for a 2.5 gallon aquarium, you could do a small 25 watt (or less if you can find one) heater. As long as you keep your tank topped off, the current will not be a problem. But just to be sure, add a floating plant (real, fake, or otherwise) to minimize surface agitation. You could do a gallon every 5-7 days, and your fish should be fine in the remaining 1.5 gallons for 5 minutes.

Let me know if you have any questions, expecially about the cycling process. Remember, if you dont cycle your aquarium, your fish WILL die, so take the time to cycle.
