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my oscars

23 11:06:53

I bought an oscar fish and one he/she began to thrive well in the tank i got a mate for it.  The first day and a half they seemed to get along great and spent the entire day and night swimming side by side.  I thought i had gotten lucky on the first try of mating them up.  Now my first oscar is 'brooding' and sitting in the corner and has been there for nearly 6 hours.  I can't lure it out with food or anything.  It genuinely looks like it is pouting.  How long should I wait before I get concerned.  There are no marks on it (I searched in case the new one was beating on it) it is not discolored and definitely has a clean tank.

Hi Janet,
  It is absolutely essential that you have some hiding places in your tank so that the weaker oscar has a place that it can go and hide.  Ideally you would have many such places.  Even if it is a perfect pair, there are going to be times when the one will want to get away from the other.

-- Ron C.
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