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Jack Dempseys

23 11:14:38

I sent my ? in on 8/5/10 I got an email back that I had an
answer but could find it, here it is again, My Jacks are on the second batch of babies, I thonk they ate the first ones, should I move the babies when thay are moving around? I have moved my plecos to another tank sinnce my Jacks are breeding and the new tank is cloudy. I would like to sell my Jacks or trade for more tank friemdly fish any advice?

Hi Debbie,
 Here is what I wrote:

Hi Debbie,
 Whether you move them or not depends on what your goal is.  If you want to see their parental behavior, then definitely do not move the kids.  If you are thinking that you will raise the kids and make lots of money, you need to rethink that.  Jack Dempseys are relatively common and breed easily. As a result, you will likely only be able to get maybe 25 cents or so for each young fish, and that is only once they have been raised up until they are saleable size, i.e., close to 2".  Bottom line: enjoy the fish but don't be preoccupied with raising the babies for profit.   

  The same actually goes for the parents.  You may be able to find someone who wants to buy them, but the challenge will be getting them from you to them.  If they are local, no problem.  You could put them on Aquabid but then you would have to ship them and the shipping will
cost much more than the fish.  

-- Ron C.
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