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painted glass

23 14:43:28

I purchased a painted glass fish a week ago and today is swimming in circles.  Has been doing it all day and just as it looks like it's getting tired it speeds up and keeps swimming in fast circles all over the tank.  Is there anything that I can do?  Thanks so much, Chris

Painted Glass fish are to be avoided, they are not natural
and have been injected with colour dye. It is very cruel and 90 percent of the fish die. I would recommend taking him back to the fish shop and asking them not to sell the fish, or at least warn people they are dyed. It is illegal in the UK to dye fish, but they are transported from other countries  often.

Do this until you can get him rehomed:

He may be stressed, so put in some live plants and decorations so he can hide if he needs to. You should also buy nitrite and ammonia test kits, which you can buy from fish shops. They should both be 0.0, even 0.1 can be harmful. If it is not 0.0, do 40 percent water changes twice a week until it goes down.  

It of course is not your fault, but the fault of merciless killers, who do not care how many fish they kill in the process. All they want is money.
best Wishes,