Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Black Moor - Lump

Black Moor - Lump

23 14:20:55

QUESTION: One of my moors has a very large lump just below his right eye. He's had it for 9 days and it's huge.  I saw a site that listed Corneybacteriosis and I got some and have used for 2 days.  Last night I came across an article about pop eyes and using Ampicillin.  I don't think he has this; the bubble is not on the eye.  Can fish get tumors?

ANSWER: Sonya,          it is probably not popeye. I have seen alot of cases and the whole eye protrudes and actually falls out if not taken care of soon enough. You are doing the best thing for him right now. Tetracycline is a great broad spectrum antibiotic. Yes they can get tumors. Unfortunately just like us they can get cancers. I hope the antibiotic helps.Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 11/6 Hmmm...ok.  Thanks.  I went to a fish supply and pet store 2 days ago.  Upon describing the fish, the assistant suggested I do nothing other and stop giving the fish the antibiotic.  He asked what the lump looked like (red or normal skin color).  It is normal skin color.  Also, he seems to exhibit no ill effects of this lump.

By the way it is smaller, seems to to have erupted, grown 2 other very small lumps etc.  I'm puzzled and of somewhat saddened.  I want him to get better.  I've decided to continue to give him the anitibiotic and we'll see what happens.  The lump now looks like a cigarette burn....only colorless.  The fish is black and so is that portion of his face/eye area.

Thank you for any info you can add!!


Sonya,          Go back to your tetracycline treat the whole 7 days. Remove your carbon while treating. Then after the 7 days renew carbon and 30 %  water change. After all this is over to prevent bacterial infection again if this is what it is. Try squeezing a frozen pea or two into their tank once a week. It is a natural antibiotic and also..... go to your local pet shop and get a veggie clip give them an orange wedge once a week it is great for vitamin c and stops spinal deformations as they grow...... Good Luck, Tina