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Im 15 and know nothing about fish.

23 11:44:28

I mostly own land dwelling creatures.
I bought a black molly a week ago. A few days later,it got
these weird white spots and when i was feeding my fish today
and i noticed that the eyes are puffed up and i don't know
whats wrong. my guppy had dies two day erlier from an
unknown reason. I am very confused and i dont know what to
look for. I have a small 2.5 gallon tank I have 1 alage (i
spelled that wrong i think)eater, one aquatic frog, two
guppies (the red ones with black tail fins)and two betas
(the betas each have thier own bowl and they havent had
contact so i dont think that is a contributing factor)
I dont know what to do. Can you help me?

Hi Nayuki,
  It sounds like your fish has a disease called ick.  Do you have a heater and air supply in that tank?  The temperature should be around 80oF for tropical fish and you definitely need to have some sort of air supply in there.

-- Ron
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