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Black Moor With Reddish swelling!

23 14:13:18

He shares the tank with a Calico Fantail, a Plectostomus and a smaller Black Moor.  I had another Black Moor who had the same red swelling and it grew larger and he eventually died. I love my fish and I don't want him to die, but I don't know what to do! I'd appreciate any and all help I can get! Thanks!

Here's two pictures I took of him:

It is a 25 gallon tank and the temperature of the water is 70 degrees. The Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels are at 0 ppm and there are no traces of chlorine.

Hi Raul.  From best I can see, this type of thing is usually some type of bacterial infection (by the red "swelling") and it needs to be treated ASAP. I believe a product called Maracyn 2 would best treat this.  Follow the directions closely.

IF you do not have a hospital tank (with a filter or bubble stone) you will have to treat the whole tank.  Just follow the directions closely as I said and this should help clear things up.  Make sure you take the charcoal out of the filter too or it will absorb the medication.

After you have treated him/them (it won't hurt the others if you have to treat the whole tank), please let me know how it works out.  If for some reason it's still there, we can try something else.

These things usually arise from poor water quality.  If a fish or few fish that have never been sick before suddenly start getting sick, you have to take a look at your water quality.  The tank  you have these guys in is actually too small, they should be in at least a 55 gallon.  However, if they are small, you will be ok for a little while. You need to upgrade as they get bigger though.

The bigger they get, the more waste they produce, and these fish are about the messiest fishes there are.  You need to be diligent in weekly tank maintenance and partial water changes.  You could easily wind up with ammonia spikes (not to mention nitrite and/or nitrate spikes) if you do not keep up on the tank.  Here is a site which will help explain how and why to clean a tank:

Prior to adding the medicine I would do a complete tank cleaning and partial water change (change at least 35% of the water this time), to make sure your water is in optimal condition.

Good luck!  ;o)