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zebra danio fry

23 11:25:34

My glofish/zebra danio had some babies without my knowledge, and i found them last friday during a water change. i currently have about 8 in a breeder net with a good clump of java moss. i wanted to add liquid foods/microorganisms, but they would get washed away from the breeding net. i do not have a tank for them set up, but might set up a 10gal this weekend for them, but it will be a while before its cycled and ready for my fry. i am attempting to feed them hikari first bites, but it gets ignored as far as i can see. actually, i just looked in the net and only see 3 D: hopefuly the are in a crevasse or hiding, but im not sure. either they starved or escaped somehow. do you think java moss is giving them food? what do you think about firstbites? too big? what should i do, and what recommendations and tips do you have for me?

if i set up a tank for them, what should i feed them? my attmots at growing food from boiled lettuce has failed. liquifry?

Sorry I have to type this really quickly so pardon my spelling,

Your on the right track, the will get all the food they need from the moss for a while,. if you are setting up the 10 gallon tank for them, use water from the current tank. this will reduce cycle time and keep more of them alive.