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lump in cichlid

23 11:14:33

I have an Oscar that is about 4 yrs. old and about 7-8 inches long and has been
completely happy and healthy with an attitude.  Today I noticed he has a new
large lump protruding out his left side but his personality seems the same and
he is eating.  I am concerned because it is protruding about a 1/2 inch off his
body and seems very significant.  Nothing on the right side.  What could it be?

Hi Serena,
 It could be several things, sadly, none of them are good. It could be a tumor. It could be a parasite or it could be that his internal organs have shifted around for some peculiar reason.  The unfortunate thing is that there isn't anything you can do about it. There is no medicine that you can give him that will help this situation and I strongly encourage you NOT to put in some medicine just in the hopes that it might do something good. It would likely have the opposite effect.  Hopefully, whatever it is, it will resolve itself.  I have seen fish with such lumps live for a very long time -- it just looks a little weird.

-- Ron C.
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