Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my black goldfish

my black goldfish

23 14:12:25

Hi I hope you can help me, in the past week two of my goldfish have died they are the goldfish with the big eyes?! Now my black goldfish of the same breed has airbubbles on it and is looking very weak. Do you have any idea what might be wrong with him?

Hello Steph,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your goldfish.  Lets see if we can fix this.  I need to know a couple of things first though.  When did you do a water change?  How much?  What water did you use to change it?  From what I have read in your description, it would lead me to believe that you changed the water with regular tap water?  If you could answer these questions, I can help you out better...but right now, I just don't have enough info.  I will await your reply.

