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betta fish fungus

23 11:14:04

My betta has had fungus for so long now. I have tried everything and I can't get rid of it. I do water changes daily and full water changes once or twice a week. It is a 2 gallon tank and I have a little filter for it. I've tried many medications, Maroxy is the one that almost starts to work but does not get rid of it. What am I doing wrong, what can I do to get rid of it??  


 Sorry to hear you have a sick Betta. The first thing I would do is remove the filter. The tank is too small for one plus the Betta's don't really need one. You do, however, need a heater. Set it to 82 degrees unless treating them for illness. Then turn it up to 86 degree and add an air stone. What it happening is, you are adding the medication and the filter is removing it.  Water changes do not need to be daily unless the medication instructions say to. You can do 25% water change once a week and a full change every 3 weeks. When you have a filter and you do complete water changes, you are starting the tank cycle all over again. I think once you remove the filter and then add the meds you will see that it will continue to get better until its gone. To prevent the fungus from returning, make sure he has perfect water conditions, meaning, no ammonia, nitrate or nitrites in the water at all. Make sure the water conditioner is made for Betta's since those work the best.