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Beta Fish not eating much

23 13:55:41

Hi, my kids just got a beta fish each for their birthdays a couple of days ago.  I am not sure if this is a problem but it seems like they only eat a few flakes of Betta Food at each feeing.  We feed them twice a day and we changed at least 50% of the water on the third day.  I just read that they like it warmer but unfortunately my house is a little colder.  It is only in the lower 70's and we don't have any radiators to put them close to.  Should I try feeding them something else?  I am used to having bunnies that would eat us out of house and home if we let them.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Karen,
I am hoping that the betta's are in separate bowls!!!  You cannot keep males together, they will kill each other.  A betta must be kept in warm water or it will get sick and die.  It should be in 78-80 degree water.  They need a heater, and there is no way out of this, if you want to keep them.  A betta to be happy needs a least 2 gallons of water, and the best size is a 5 gallon glass aquarium.  You can buy glass ones at Wal-mart for a good price.  Your bettas are not eating because they are probably cold.  I hate to tell you this. Betta fish should be fed pellets made especially for them.  You will find them at the pet store.  Flakes are good, but you have to alternate, flakes, pellets, dry bloodworms.  If you find that it is too much work and time, maybe your pet store would change them for goldfish.  People know so little about betta's and store keepers will say anything to sell them.  They are tropical fish, intelligent, and make great pets, but you have to take good care of them.
Hope this helps